
How to write an impressive CV for your first job in events

Laura Sullivan at TopCV, the largest CV-writing service in the world, shares her advice on how to ensure your first events CV captures the attention of your dream employer

How to write an impressive CV for your first job in events

So, you’re ready to take your first steps towards a career in events, but do you know how to get your foot in the door?

Your CV is the key to your success here. Read on to learn how to write an impressive CV for your first job in events, guaranteed to help you stand out against your competition.

Consider relevant skills and attributes

Since you’re a recent graduate, employers aren’t expecting to you have reams of experience in events. However, they are looking for experience that’s relevant to the role. Therefore, you must consider your skills and attributes that make you a great fit for the position, regardless of whether your degree was in events or not.

Common requirements in entry-level events positions include: excellent verbal and written communication skills; project management skills, such as organisation, time management and problem solving; exposure to marketing campaigns such as emails and social media. 

Simply scan the job description to make sure you’re referencing the right requirements. You’ll probably find that you’ve picked up most of the skills directly through your degree or part-time roles.

Structure and tailor accordingly

Now that you’re familiar with the skills and attributes the employer is looking for, it’s time to start crafting your CV.

Name and contact details

The top of your CV should showcase your name and contact details, not the phrase "CV" or "curriculum vitae". Under or next to your name list your phone number(s), email address, your location (town and county is fine, rather than your address) and a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one.



Personal profile

Up next is your personal profile, which is effectively a punchy introduction to who you are, what you can bring to the role and your career goals. Technically, this section is optional, but since you’re looking for an entry-level job, your profile is the perfect opportunity to tell recruiters immediately why you’re a great fit for this role. 

Education and work experience

As a rule of thumb, the more relevant the experience, the further up your CV should sit. Since you’re a recent graduate and this job is likely to be your first ‘proper’ role, we expect your education to come before your work experience section.

In your education section, list your schooling in reverse chronological order, paying attention to your degree, the skills you developed and projects you completed. Tailor your bullet points to the role you’re applying for, cutting details that aren’t related to the job and highlighting skills that match the job description.

The same method applies to your work experience. However, if you have completed work / voluntary placements or internships in the events industry, you might like to pop your work experience section ahead of your education.

Concluding your CV

Your CV should fit two pages comfortably. Too short and it will seem incomplete, too long and a recruiter’s unlikely to digest the whole thing. If you have some lingering white space, you might like to include a hobbies and interests section, listing anything particularly interesting or related to the role.

Showcase your passion 

An employer is unlikely to offer a job to someone that isn’t excited about the role, company or industry. It raises a red flag regarding commitment, loyalty and ability. Therefore, if you’re keen on the job, be sure to showcase your passion throughout your CV, but remember your excitement should be about what you can offer the company, not what you’re keen to learn.

TopCV offers a range of CV-writing services including expertly-written and keyword-optimised CVs, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles. It is currently offering a free CV review to help you land your ideal event job.


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