
UK brands on the brink: Embrace precision or fail

In a changing advertising landscape, UK brands must embrace precision measurement to stay ahead, says Beatgrid co-founder Daniel Tjondronegoro

UK brands on the brink: Embrace precision or fail

In the murky depths of the advertising world, a storm is brewing. Advertisers, desperate to navigate a fragmented media landscape, cling to outdated methods. They rely on fusion data and opportunity-to-see modelling, oblivious to the revolution at their doorstep. Enter single-source data, a solution that tracks AV media exposure on a personal level.

Agencies and advertisers, creatures of habit, still buy TV on reach and frequency metrics. They opt for the easiest route, ignoring industry innovations. But times are changing. Global privacy regulations demand transparency, the end of cookies looms, and content consumption has shifted, requiring cross-screen media measurement. This is the perfect storm.

The real challenge? Convincing advertisers to take a risk and embrace something new. They talk of attribution but default to reach and frequency for buying. It’s a system begging for disruption. Companies such as Beatgrid offer a way out. The entire TV and digital TV buying ecosystem must adapt or perish.

The solution: Single-source data

Single-source data isn’t just a tool; it’s a new way to measure. It offers deep insights into how media touchpoints work together to boost brand lift, optimise media planning strategies, and ensure marketing budgets are spent wisely. It reveals which channel combinations deliver the highest ROI, helping advertisers stay ahead in the game.

But how is this achieved? Automatic content recognition (ACR) is used via smartphones — the most ubiquitous device on Earth — to track ads and real-world outcomes such as brand lift and store visits. This technology identifies ads through audio, allowing for accurate channel comparisons across TV, CTV and digital platforms. Measuring the same individuals ensures true like-for-like comparisons, enhancing media plan optimisation.

Overcoming challenges

Every revolution faces hurdles. Single-source solutions demand high maintenance. Advanced software must function efficiently, even in noisy environments, ensuring quality data collection without draining users' batteries. Years of research have optimised these apps for a seamless user experience, relying on real people, not models.

Recruiting panel participants is another challenge. It involves offering incentives while ensuring a seamless experience. Despite these obstacles, companies such as Beatgrid have established the largest single-source cross-media mobile panels in the UK, the US, Germany and Australia, among other key markets. In a crowded ecosystem like Britain’s, single-source non-modelled data offers a compelling solution for brands.

Single-source measurement delivers crucial data on how various media combinations impact brand metrics such as awareness and consideration. This precise attribution is vital for justifying ad budgets and optimising strategies.

The future of advertising effectiveness

As the digital age evolves rapidly, traditional measurement tools are increasingly inadequate. Single-source data provides the clarity needed to solve advertisers' cross-media measurement headaches and maximise media investments. Embracing new and innovative approaches is crucial for staying competitive.

There's a widely known concept, called ‘the law of diffusion of innovation’, which explains how new ideas, products and services spread through society. The segments are innovators (2.5%) and the early adopters (13.5%); these are visionaries quick to embrace change. For example, those people who stood in line for hours with the launch of the iPhone. Then there's the early majority (34%), who are pragmatic adopters; the late majority (34%), these are extremely sceptical but adopt due to necessity. And finally, the laggards (16%), who are extremely resistant to change.

This concept applies to the ad industry and cross-platform ad effectiveness measurement. The real question is: are you an early adopter (such as Google, P&G and Amazon Ads) and already using advanced measurement approaches? Or do you merely claim to be an innovative brand while actually being in the skeptical and/or laggard group?

The storm is here. Will you ride the wave or be swept away? The choice is clear. Embrace accurate measurement and transform the way you understand your audience. The future is now.
